首席财务官帮助组织在2021年变得更加敏捷的6种方法 & 除了

自信的非裔美国男老板在办公室简报会上与不同的团队合作, 重点是混血儿商人首脑会议, 在会议上与同事合作讨论业务想法

2020年给每个人都扔了一个弧线球, 首先是令人震惊的英国退出欧盟, 经济的不确定性, 负油价, 政治焦虑, 以及大流行令人窒息的影响. 这简直就是一阵旋风. 尽管发生了2020年的事件, Bridgepoint咨询 is looking past it all and taking steps forward to continue helping our clients succeed.

由于去年的情况, 我们看到公司变得难以置信的 被动. 虽然这有时是必要的, 我们想讨论一下如何将这种心态转变为一种更积极的方式. 从历史上看,我们看到很多公司都是长期经营的, 战略, 前景允许稳定增长; 然而, 这是正常的 在一个 不再是正常的世界. 今天, 我们将 担任首席财务官一职 以及他或她应该如何考虑下一步的发展. 首席财务官们应该如何 评估2020年的事件 并理解它们? 首席财务官们在2021年应该关注什么?

The crisis has obviously forced companies to re-evaluate how they do business and adapt to this new norm. 我们看到一些人比其他人做得更优雅, 拥抱敏捷的思维方式,让自己浮出水面. 在本文中, we’ll expand on the key areas w在这里 CFOs should focus their attention and how they can lead their teams to become more agile organizations.


  1. 管理你的员工
  2. Evaluating Supply Chain and Working Capital Management
  3. Real Estate and CAPEX Management
  4. 技术
  5. Capital Structure
  6. 竞争格局


不用说,大多数企业已经转向远程工作模式. 虽然有些公司很幸运地采取了在家工作的方式, 其他公司则不得不让员工和整个部门暂时休假或永久解雇. 到2021年,首席财务官们将继续前进, 重新评估哪些员工和部门返回将是需要考虑的重要因素. 如果 函数 是至关重要的, 你应该重新雇佣 吗, 或者,这些部门是否可以由外包提供商提供更好的服务? 而雇佣外包供应商可能会要求 溢价, it has the potential to allow your organization to focus on its core competencies and become more agile. 稍后,当我们评估房地产和 CAPEX 管理时,将对此进行更多讨论.

CFO Covid响应

Work-from-home policies have had a drastic impact on the way we view modern workforce management. 疫情让我们大开眼界,看到团队在这种环境下的表现, 有些人比其他人执行得更好. 当你继续前进时, assessing your organization’s ability to manage and engage your employees to drive results is an important consideration. 从历史上看, 组织已经发现,在 办公室里“看到”员工很舒服, 但这可能具有欺骗性. 而不是从看到办公室里的员工中找到安慰, 我们建议强调你的团队每周的结果. 如果你能开始实施 绩效文化, 这变成了常态, 员工知道这是期望. 当你期待 到 2021年, 一定要培训或建立灵活性,使 成为一支理解期望的适应性员工队伍. 有了期望, you can work to accomplish your goals with an incredibly versatile team that is prepared to work in a volatile environment.



Bridgepoint咨询公司的管理负责人Michael Johnson 参加了 最近的一次 Gartner的报告 调查了74个国家的 近1900名 首席信息官. 研究结果? 51%的首席信息官报告称,供应速度有所下降, 18%的受访者表示,由于COVID-19大流行,供应商可靠性下降.“ 由于供求关系的变化,这一数据在各个行业都是一致的.

我们能从中得到什么? 简而言之,大流行迫使首席财务官重新评估其供应链战略. 在COVID之前,公司努力为客户提供服务. 公司知道他们的供应商是谁,知道谁是可靠的, 使他们能够满足客户. 他们知道他们可以依靠谁,并且对他们的客户群感到满意. 在某种程度上, they were operating in equilibrium that enabled them to project supply and demand for their product accurately, 但COVID已经完全破坏了这一点. 新冠肺炎疫情造成了大规模的供应链紊乱. Many companies have faced severe input shortages for their products and services while simultaneously dealing with dramatic fluctuations in demand for their products. This disequilibrium is further exacerbated by the uncertainty surrounding which players in the 供应链, 包括客户和供应商, 能生存下来.

在这个不确定的供应链中, 首席财务官需要采取措施优化他们的营运资金, 包括现金, 库存, AR, 和美联社. “现金为王”这句话从未像现在这样贴切. 金融 leaders need to make sure every dollar spent ensures the survival of not only the company but also its key suppliers and customers. 在供给方面, a CFO may actually want to accelerate payments to key suppliers to ensure their continued viability while simultaneously negotiating extended payment terms for less critical suppliers. 他们甚至可能推迟向有问题的供应商付款,直到尘埃落定. 同样,在客户方面,首席财务官们也希望有选择性地管理增强现实. They may want to consider extending more favorable terms to key customers whom they expect 能生存下来 the crisis while possibly shortening payment terms for more doubtful customers or even moving to a cash basis for others. 简而言之, 通过战略性地管理营运资金, 企业不能只保证自己的生存, 但他们也可以帮助确保他们的主要客户和供应商的生存.

如果你是一个努力有效管理库存的组织, 我们强烈建议您与我们联系,以了解如何及时生产实践, 基于风险分析, 其他方法可以帮助您在供应链流程中引入更大的敏捷性. 联系 大卫Bizzaro 在这里或 汤米·汉纳 在这里.

Real Estate and CAPEX Management


房地产仍然是大多数组织的主要支出项目. 然而,, 这场大流行病给 许多人带来了独特的挑战和有趣的机会, 如果不是全部, 今天的组织. Work-from-home policies have forced CFOs and leadership to re-assess how they plan to manage their workforce and real estate requirements. 在我们与组织的持续对话中, 我们发现,当他们准备好让员工 回到办公室, 大多数公司都在考虑减少办公室员工. 许多人甚至在考虑把在办公室工作的比例降低到50%以下. 这是一个令人印象深刻的指标,但是 有很多原因.

防, it was assumed that companies had to provide a working space for their employees in a controlled environment. 新冠疫情颠覆了这一旧规范, forcing companies to re-imagine how to enable their employees to remain productive without having access to the traditional workspace environment. 尽管远程办公看起来令人望而生畏, it has presented an opportunity for successful companies to reallocate capital away from traditional real estate spend (e.g.租金、停车、维修、改善租赁权等.) towards other tools and 技术 to recreate a controlled and collaborative workspace in the remote world.


成功的首席财务官不仅仅考虑COVID对底线的影响, 还有它对劳动力的影响. This re-imagined work-from-home environment can become a competitive advantage by driving even greater employee satisfaction. 从员工的角度来看, 他们现在可以花更少的时间和金钱在通勤上, 灵活的工作时间, 选择他们想要生活和工作的地方, 并在工作中感受到更大的赋权感. With employee satisfaction and other factors like potential outsourcing impacting your decisions for real estate moving forward, 有很多东西需要评估.

Real estate has a very tangible impact on your organization; however, 另一个 领域 我们建议cfo评估 是资本支出(CAPEX). 考虑到目前的市场, 更频繁地评估和分析你的资本支出是至关重要的,而不是每年一次. 虽然这是一种平衡行为, 灵活的工作是很重要的 从按年到按季度. 以目前的市场情况, 季度资本支出预算将使您和您的组织能够随着市场变化而调整, 从而推动您的组织走向更加敏捷的文化.  即使COVID对你的收入和底线产生了负面影响, 通过更密切地管理资本支出, 你也许能够实现你的自由现金流目标.

随着我们进入2021年, 我们认为  房地产 和资本支出 都是首席财务官评估 和微调的机会. 通过在房地产和资本支出方面引入更大的灵活性, 你将能够管理越来越不稳定的商业周期的高峰和低谷.



在COVID之前,大多数组织都有一个稳定的长期IT路线图. They had identified the systems and tools they would like to migrate to with a clear focus on CAPEX, 运营成本, 以及这些举措带来的相关好处. 随着政府关门,企业发现自己处于生存模式. 为了保留现金,计划被推迟或取消, 其他项目也因必要而加快了进度, 新的组织应运而生,以适应新常态. Many companies’ 2020 IT efforts became makeshift fixes to hold together their processes as best they could in a remote environment.


  1. 在新的业务环境中重新确定IT活动的优先级. 尘埃落定的时间已经过去了. IT不会消失,从长远来看是值得投资的.
  2. Evaluate some of the makeshift technologies put in place to operate remotely and determine which ones remain and, 这些, 哪些需要更安全或增强.
  3. 构建一个新的体系结构,使组织能够在新的环境中成长和扩展.

在COVID之前,IT是一个非常孤立的成本中心,提供系统来支持业务. 现在比以往任何时候都重要, information 技术 needs to be front and center as part of the strategy encompassing workforce, 供应链, 以及营运资金, 使之成为一种竞争优势. 随着首席财务官们将资金从房地产等实物资产中解放出来, they need to transfer those resources to technologies that enhance their business processes in a remote environment.

Capital Structure


大流行病的压力迫使首席财务官重新评估其筹资战略. 在这场危机开始的时候, each organization had its unique capital structure; however, 对这种结构及其潜力的评估应该持续进行. Companies that have been successful at navigating the challenges of the pandemic are those that communicated with their lenders early and often. 通过与债权人沟通,他们有一个深思熟虑的流动性策略, 公司可以让贷款人放心, 让他们放松.

企业在2020年采取了几种不同的战略, 从公私伙伴关系贷款到根据《盈禾体育》将工资税延期两年的人. 每种情况都是独一无二的, 但我们很乐观, 尤其是对小企业来说, 小企业管理局的贷款同比增长了4%, 根据 丹佛商业日报. 前进, it is important for executive teams to explore a flexible capital structure to maintain agility during turbulent business cycles.

Competitive Landscape影响


现在, 我们的大流行病已经过去将近一年了, 在赢家和输家之间已经有了明确的界限. 持续的限制, 进入2021年,某些行业将面临一场艰苦的战斗, 但这也为新的颠覆性竞争对手进入市场创造了机会. 作为首席财务官,要努力适应我们之前提到的重点领域, 重要的是不要忘记你的竞争环境. 有这么多变化, 从客户和业务的角度来看, 首席财务官们应该如何利用这一点, 他们从哪里开始呢? 有几件事需要考虑:


  • 因为一些竞争对手被淘汰了, companies should evaluate if t在这里 is an opportunity to acquire market share that was left behind. In theory, the answer to this should be yes; t在这里 is room to gain market share. Determine what this opportunity is and how your company can capitalize on making strides in this arena.


  • 如果有竞争对手在危机中元气大伤, 首席财务官们是否应该考虑采取收购策略来吸收关键业务? 如果是这样的话, we recommend consulting with a merger and acquisitions consultant to help weigh the pros and cons of this approach. 虽然以高价迅速吸收竞争似乎很有吸引力, 在实施这一战略之前,需要审查许多复杂情况和准备工作.


  • 在谈话的另一边, some companies have been considerably successful during the pandemic and may want to consider being an acquisition target themselves. 在最近与私人股本公司的讨论中, we have learned that healthy companies were able to command even higher multiples than before the crisis. 如果有意义的话, 也许是时候评估退出策略,并利用更高的售价了.

评估你的竞争对手和你现有的位置应该是一个持续的努力, 但变化如此之快, 我们建议采取额外措施随时了解情况. 现在我们已经进入了2021年, 我们建议首席财务官们与私人股本公司和投资银行建立更多的关系. 私募股权公司和投资银行通常对你的市场有更深刻的见解. These relationships will help you stay informed of the market and take advantage of opportunities that may present themselves.


几乎所有人进入2020年都遵循了他们在2019年底特许的课程, 完全没有意识到即将来临的风暴. 当去年年初大流行病爆发时, 每个人都被迫封闭舱口,进入生存模式. 到了夏天, 很明显,哪些船经受住了风暴, 谁在舀水, 它们躺在新冠海的底部. 不管它们的当前状态如何, almost all were diverted and were forced to assess their seaworthiness and charter a new course. 现在暴风雨已经开始平息了, CFOs should take some time to evaluate the six key areas of their organization to enable them to be more maneuverable. 通过在劳动力中引入更大的敏捷性, 房地产/资本支出, 供应链/营运资金, 技术, Capital Structure和竞争格局的影响, 2021年及以后,企业将更有能力驾驭新的虚拟世界.